Gabriella Rose Balsam
Playwright | Librettist | Lyricist
Musicals - View More Work Here
This story is inspired by the true life of Catherine Monvoisin, aka La Voisin, a fortune teller, commissioned poison maker, abortionist and cult leader who lived during the 1600s in France. When the laws always function against the wellbeing of women, when abortions and divorce are illegal, and women are accused of being a witch at the slightest display of independence, what’s a gal to do? This is the story of how one woman, with a brave soul and questionable methods, took matters into her own hands.
Music By Brandy Hoang Collier & Deniz Demirkurt
Book & Lyrics by Gabriella Balsam
Stream the show on SoundCloud:
The Lily House
One-act (20 min). Loose horror-comedy adaptation of the Korean folktale Janghwa Hongryeon Jeon, set in modern Manhattan.
Music by Simon Lee
Book & Lyrics by Gabriella Balsam
The Untitled Rebirth Project
A theatrical song cycle about rebirth (obvi), reincarnation, and re-emergence. The past becomes the present becomes the future - and maybe, you too were a river in a past life.
Music by Brandy Hoang Collier
Lyrics by Gabriella Balsam
Dancing Around: Mental Health in Words, Music, & Movement
A vignette-style, song cycle-ish, mostly sung and danced through musical dealing with various facets of mental health through the story of five strangers at a bus station.
Music by Brandy Hoang Collier & Deniz Demirkurt
Words by Gabriella Balsam
Maybe I Can Believe (From La Voisin)
Where Do You Go (From La Voisin)
Thoughts On The Looming Apocalypse